Art36 days of type 2023

36 days of type 2023

April is always a delight for graphic and typographic designers alike. It marks the start of 36 days of type: 36 consecutive days in which 36 characters need to be designed. A to Z and 0 to 9.

It’s the second time I’ve participated in this incredible & colorful ‘challenge’.

But, to make life a bit easier, we turned it into a little collaboration together with some colleagues. I took the task upon me to design B, H, Y, 0 3, 7 & 9.

About 36 days of type

Surprisingly, there aren’t many rules. Any creative can participate to practice or show-off their skills. To get a good impression search for #36days or #36daysoftype on instagram. The variety or the media used is stunning, you’ll come across ink, waterpaint, oilpaint, drawings, 3D, illustrations, photography, and so on!

And, if you’re lucky, the 36_days_of_type jury might decide to put your work on display on their channel for a little extra exposure. A little glimpse of several 9’s below that got feature this year.

36 days of type
36 days of type
36 days of type
36 days of type

Why participate?

For me personally it’s simply a good moment and opportunity to spend more time developing a skill you’ve always wanted to try. For me, that is 3D.


The O is inspired by visiting the Swarovski store in Paris. It’s worth a visit. The entire wall on all sides of the store is filled with tiny little boxes, containing a piece of jewelry or art.

B, 7, Y, 3


While my day to day job consists of mainly digital interface design and the art direction of it, 3D is kind of a new hobby for me. So challenges like the 36 days of type challenge are a great opportunity to explore and try out new skills and software.

9 & H

I made a random 9 at some point, referencing the game Tetris. 

But I wanted to elevate the 9 to a higher conceptual level, it was the last one in the entire series after all!

At some point, I got the inspiration for a second direction and decided to add another 9 to the collection. (Looking at the image you can guess where I got the inspiration from 😉 ) 

Even though the other designs might look visually more appealing, I think a conceptual level can make a design stand out more. It creates an “a-ha” moment or lets people think a bit longer, rather than looking at a (basically) meaningless image. 

The last one.

Making endless looping video’s is always fun 🙂 

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